Are you referring to our old webmail or surgeweb needing improvement?Surgeweb is our currently recommended web based email client that makes use of modern web techniques. Admittedly it's implementation now predates the widespread adoption of html5 techniques so if one were to implement it today we would probably have made some different design choices. For more info on surgeweb see: you are referring to old webmail, yes I agree and you should be using surgeweb instead. If you are referring to surgeweb, please be more specific in terms of what sort of improvements you would like to see ;-)Marijn On Wednesday 22/01/2014 at 8:24 am, wrote:Is there any work on making a next generation webmail? Maybe something HTML5 like Zimbra's webmail? Something that looks a little nicer on par with other systems out there right now? I just think its time for a major makeover.
Is there any work on making a next generation webmail? Maybe something HTML5 like Zimbra's webmail? Something that looks a little nicer on par with other systems out there right now? I just think its time for a major makeover.
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