Huh. Port's open. I'll have to look into it.
I had it working before the last time I updated Surgemail last week to
the latest beta.
I don't use webmail very often anymore. I need better support of carddav
and caldav, so I switched back to using clients and an external
company's sabre server a few weeks ago. I sure would like to keep it all
in house, though.
The status page says I am still on .0.9.8 so I am sitting tight on my
linux 32bit version 6.6a-1. I've got other work to do tonight. Sorry.
------ Original Message ------
From: "Frank Bulk">
To: "" <>
Sent: 4/8/2014 6:42:08 PM
Subject: Spam:*********, RE: [SurgeMail List] CVE-2014-0160 a. k.
>I found your server's IP address from email header, but it looks like
>you don't have the SSL version of webmail running as port 443 is
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Eric Vey []
>Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 4:47 PM
>Subject: Re: [SurgeMail List] CVE-2014-0160 a. k. a.Heartbleed
>From what I read, this is primarily an operating system issue. I don't
>know about Solaris, but Debian based machines, like Ubuntu, have a
>I took a look and I was still running 0.9.8 (I think like Steffan is)
>which isn't vulnerable -- yet, so I updated to 1.0, then applied the
>patch dated yesterday. Then I restarted the whole server since I don't
>know all the services I am using that access the SSL -- probably a
>of them.
>I'm not skilled enough to run python scripts.
>------ Original Message ------
>From: "Chris Ferebee">
>Sent: 4/8/2014 5:20:26 PM
>Subject: Spam:***********, Re: Spam:*********, Re: [SurgeMail List]
>CVE-2014-0160 a. k. a.Heartbleed
>>AFAICS SurgeMail is statically linked to OpenSSL, at least on OS X and
>>Solaris x64, cf. also the release note on version 6.6b-9.
>>Windows build with OpenSSL 1.0.1f.)
>>But every platform appears to have a different version, presumably
>>whatever is well-supported. I tested SurgeMail 6.6a on OS X 10.6.8 and
>>SmartOS. The OS X build was not vulnerable, the Solaris x64 one was.
>>Am 08.04.2014 um 22:11 schrieb Steffen>:
>>> Current OpenSSL version of Surgemail is 0.9.8r.
>>> OpenSSL 0.9.8 branch is NOT vulnerable.
>>> Steffen
>>> On Tuesday 08/04/2014 at 21:59, Peter Dyke wrote:
>>>> Interestingly enough, when using the self-signed cert,
>>>> SurgeMail Version 6.5b-13, Built Oct 17 2013 08:35:02, Platform
>>>> simply does not run the Heartbleed test script, instead returns
>>>> dial tcp 143.*.*.*:443: connection refused
>>>> (IP address redacted)
>>>> On 4/8/2014 12:29 PM, Chris Ferebee wrote:
>>>>> It’s a doozy all right. There’s a nice overview at
>>>>> with links to some sample exploits as python scripts. You can run
>>>>>them (non-destructively) against your SurgeMail server to see what
>>>>>they turn up. I saw a bunch of sensitive information when I tried
>>>>>earlier today. It is perfectly possible that this can be exploited
>>>>>to divulge your SSL private keys. We will all need to revoke our
>>>>>certificates and order new ones once we’re patched. It might be
>>>>>appropriate to issue new mail passwords.
>>>>> If you can install your certs on your load-balancer and proxy the
>>>>>SSL traffic, yes, that seems like it would help, as long as your
>>>>>load-balancer is not vulnerable.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> Am 08.04.2014 um 21:00 schrieb Frank Bulk
>>>>>> When I reviewed the issue last night I wasn't overly concerned,
>>>>>>thinking this was more MiTM attack, but after reviewing
>>>>>> more carefully, it seems like they could
>>>>>>potentially walk through memory in 64 kilobyte chunks and retrieve
>>>>>>other content.
>>>>>> Can we get some new binaries yet today?
>>>>>> Is the temporary mitigation to use SSL from the load-balancer in
>>>>>>front of our two Surgemail servers?
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Frank
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Chris Ferebee []
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 6:46 AM
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: [SurgeMail List] CVE-2014-0160 a. k. a. Heartbleed
>>>>>> ChrisP, Marijn,
>>>>>> When you have a moment, could you please let us know what the
>>>>>>status of SurgeMail is WRT the CVE-2014-0160 a. k. a. Heartbleed
>>>>>>SSL exploit?
>>>>>> I have a server running SurgeMail 6.6a on a version of SmartOS
>>>>>>(Solaris x64) with OpenSSL 1.0.1e installed, and it is vulnerable
>>>>>>as per
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> and other example exploits. A different server running SurgeMail
>>>>>>6.6a on OS X 10.6.8 (which includes OpenSSL 0.9.8y) is not
>>>>>> However, as far as I can tell, SurgeMail does not dynamically
>>>>>>OpenSSL from the host platform in either case and therefore
>>>>>>presumably comes with its own, statically linked version.
>>>>>> Therefore, it appears that we urgently need a fixed version of
>>>>>>SurgeMail, e. g. 6.6a, in my case for Solaris x64, presumably also
>>>>>>for some of the other platforms. Do you have an ETA for that yet?
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Chris
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