Hi All � Is it possible to get a report emailed at the end of every month with the amount of data used (bandwith) and (Storage) by a domain.
Hi All
Is it possible to get a report emailed at the end of every month with the amount of data used (bandwith) and (Storage) by a domain.
Is there anyway to say allow domain xyz.com say 50gb of transit
So when it exceeds the transit � send an elert to the admin of the domain and admin of the box � I was thinking of running mail via cpanel (where there website is housed) and then onto surgemail so the data would be counted � � Sam � �
So when it exceeds the transit � send an elert to the admin of the domain and admin of the box
I was thinking of running mail via cpanel (where there website is housed) and then onto surgemail so the data would be counted
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