Hi All, I have upgraded my SM to the latest production build and managed to get the Legal Archive working to a fashion.� However, even though I have the Amazon S3 working correctly (based on the results of the �test� button inside of the setup screen) it seems to be saving the mail .dat archive file to the local folder where it is also storing the index files.� Does the system do some sort of once-a-day transfer of the .dat file or some such?� If not, do I have something set incorrectly? � DaveC
Hi All,
I have upgraded my SM to the latest production build and managed to get the Legal Archive working to a fashion.� However, even though I have the Amazon S3 working correctly (based on the results of the �test� button inside of the setup screen) it seems to be saving the mail .dat archive file to the local folder where it is also storing the index files.� Does the system do some sort of once-a-day transfer of the .dat file or some such?� If not, do I have something set incorrectly?
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