ChrisP, Some of us old-timers prefer to use email clients. Some people even use (gasp!) MS Outlook with Surgemail even though the calendar and addresses won't synch. I have that one person using my server with Outlook using Fruux for those. Phones and tablets, in particular, work a lot better with email clients since their web clients are so buggy. I know that you folks have spent an unbelievable amount of time on the web interface, but many people don't care a whit about that. I think there are more people than you think you know about that only use email clients, 'cause look where the direction is going and it's not toward PC's. Eric Vey ------ Original Message ------ From: "surgemail-support" <> To: Sent: 4/5/2016 7:19:40 PM Subject: Re: [SurgeMail List] Does isspam and notspam still work (isspam, not issmap) Yes, but it works better to drag/drop the messages into the spam folder if you are using imap. ChrisP. On 6/04/2016 11:12 a.m., wrote: with imap? I keep forwarding messages to issmap, but it seems not be to working as well as when I was using pop. So do they still work to train aspam? Eric Vey Virus-free. Virus-free.
(isspam, not issmap) Yes, but it works better to drag/drop the messages into the spam folder if you are using imap. ChrisP. On 6/04/2016 11:12 a.m., wrote: with imap? I keep forwarding messages to issmap, but it seems not be to working as well as when I was using pop. So do they still work to train aspam? Eric Vey Virus-free.
with imap? I keep forwarding messages to issmap, but it seems not be to working as well as when I was using pop. So do they still work to train aspam? Eric Vey Virus-free.
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