It's a sanityscore.� One of the problems with the 'smart' dynamic rules in surgemails spam filter is sometimes they come up with unexpected (blatantly stupid) results, so we have a second simpler check which just looks at some basic features of the message without smart rules, and if the two results are in obvious conflict then surgemail knows both answers are suspect and uses the sanity score to move the actual score more towards 'undefined' rather than definitely good or bad.�� I think it may also increase a score if both methods agree..
We even have two of these, the first one you can disable with
�� g_sf_nosanity "true"
the second one you can enable with:
��� g_sf_sanity2 "true"
I recommend enabling the second one (and leaving the first one enabled)
Hi all, I've been seeing SanScore score in the Spam detect header. Do you what is it and how is it calculated? Thanks, Nelio Vieira
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