First, apologies, and thanks for bringing this to my attention, after some tests I've realized it's doing exactly what you describe (which it shouldn't be).
We will fix in the next build.
Anyway, to recreate the private file just restart surgemail, that will recreate it, then click on the create csr button then show csr button.
This will currently replace your existing public key too (incorrectly). But as soon as you get the signed certificate back it will stop client errors.
How do I recreate the priv file. Do I do this within SurgeMail. Sorry I have a hard time figuring this out. The server got messed up just by me clicking on the New CSR button from the SurgeMail web admin and none of my users were able to get mail cause it said the certificate was not trusted. I didn't do anything to the self-signed certificate. I was only trying to generate a CSR to send to GoDaddy Randy Zumwalde • Tel: 513.651.1888 The John K. Howe Company, Inc. 7188 Main Street | Cincinnati, OH 45244 Be sure to visit us online at Like us on Facebook at Looking for product ideas? visit On 1/19/17 2:53 PM, surgemail-support wrote: re: 2048 bit csr. The old private key is not replaced if it already exists, so to force it to create a 2048 bit key delete your existing surge_priv.pem file first then recreate the priv file and csr ChrisP
re: 2048 bit csr. The old private key is not replaced if it already exists, so to force it to create a 2048 bit key delete your existing surge_priv.pem file first then recreate the priv file and csr ChrisP
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