Hi Chris
Went through the steps and all seemed to be going OK..
Just came up with a request I'm not sure of.
Here is Cmd Window Capture
C:\Setup\LetsEncrypt>letsencrypt --manualhost mail.html.com.au --webroot \surgem
The global logger has been configured
Let's Encrypt (Simple Windows ACME Client)
Renewal Period: 60
Certificate Store: WebHosting
ACME Server: https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/
Config Folder: C:\Users\administrator.HTML\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-simpl
Certificate Folder: C:\Users\administrator.HTML\AppData\Roaming\letsencrypt-win-
Getting AcmeServerDirectory
Enter an email address (not public, used for renewal fail notices):
What is meant by the last line? "not public"?
tom cross
m: 0418 295 336
partner HTMLnet.
On Saturday 03/06/2017 at 12:59:54, surgemail-support wrote:
In the web admin interface, click on security, ssl config, that page gives directions, also if you wish to use letsencrypt then this page is useful.
On 2/06/2017 5:41 p.m., Tom Cross wrote:
We are looking at implementing Certificates for our IP based domains on Windows server.
I could not find a recent How to.
Surgemail Ver 7.2i-1
tom cross
m: 0418 295 336
partner HTMLnet.
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