I have noticed a situation with (what I believe has to do with) UIDL in SurgeMail (currently running 5.2d-1 – running on a Windows 2003 server).
· If an Outlook email client has set their account to “Leave email on server”, using the POP3 protocol,
· and if the mbox files are not located on the same server as the SurgeMail executable (mbox is on a large network share, or a NAS device),
· for some reason the network share of where the mbox files are located “burps”, such as a switch reboot
· while Outlook is checking email through POP3
· once the network share comes back online, Outlook will download all emails from the mailbox all over again.
I believe I have tracked this down to the UIDL in SurgeMail. I was looking for detailed information as to how SurgeMail handles UIDL. Does anyone have any detailed information on UIDL, or why this happens? Is there a way to correct it? Is there a patch needed by NetWin to correct the issue?