On the surgeweb customisation page in the admin interface set the following advanced option:"show domain" to Hideand if you support multiple domains on this login, you probably will want to enable crossdomain logins below that too.Note that in the above setup you cannot have per domain customisation in surgeweb as the domain identification in the url is used to distinguish between domains for the purposes of caching and customisation.MarijnOn Tuesday 22/02/2011 at 10:28 am, surgemail-list@netwinsite.com wrote:I'm trying to setup login so that a fully specified login is required (this page specifies how to do it for webmail:http://netwinsite.com/surgemail/help/domains.htm). Though I have searched high and low, I have not found instructions on how to do this for surgeweb - do such instructions exist? Would you please let me know how to do this? Thanks!
I'm trying to setup login so that a fully specified login is required (this page specifies how to do it for webmail:http://netwinsite.com/surgemail/help/domains.htm). Though I have searched high and low, I have not found instructions on how to do this for surgeweb - do such instructions exist? Would you please let me know how to do this? Thanks!
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