Recently I noticed that newer domains will not allow the SurgeMail interface to work properly. Instead of the universally customized welcome screen, they display the standard default and instead of the login showing the domain that the client has requested in the URL, the domain in the dialogue box is the default domain.You cannot use the webmail interface on these domains. I have looked at the configuration on these problem domains, and it seems to be identical to the rest of the domains that do work.Am I missing something?Thanks for any helpStan Greenspanhttp://www.interactivepages.comInteractivepages Information ServicesTel: Canada: 416 822 5671USA: 305 320 6593Legal Notice:This e-mail should be considered both privileged communication between the author and the addressee and copyright protected. Any retransmission, in whole or in part, without the written authorization of the author, shall be considered a breach of confidentiality and copyright.
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