A quick look at the code 'suggests' that it is correctly checking the header and envelope from addresses. Can you send me the headers of a problem message and I'll see if I can spot why it's failing to work as expected. ChrisP. I have a few customers who are getting email from an info@clicktoviewthisurl.org but the actual email it is coming from is called "chakrahealing.org" or something similar. But when they get the report to allow/disallow the message they click to block it again - it tries to add the "info@clicktoviewthisurl.org" and gives an error that it is already on the block list. But the messages keep coming in. Obviously I'll have to manually add chakrahealing to their block list manually but they do keep changing the email they are sending from. Is this some sort of known bug or is there maybe some way I can fix this behavior? Sent with YesImOnline email client http://yesimonline.com/yes (free client)
I have a few customers who are getting email from an info@clicktoviewthisurl.org but the actual email it is coming from is called "chakrahealing.org" or something similar. But when they get the report to allow/disallow the message they click to block it again - it tries to add the "info@clicktoviewthisurl.org" and gives an error that it is already on the block list. But the messages keep coming in. Obviously I'll have to manually add chakrahealing to their block list manually but they do keep changing the email they are sending from. Is this some sort of known bug or is there maybe some way I can fix this behavior?
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