I have an email address that is support@domain.com that forwards to user1@domain.com, user2@domain.com and user3@someotherexternaldomain.com. I have the friends system turned on for the entire domain. The problem I am seeing is that some automated emails are not making it past the friends system. Since support@domain.com isn’t a real mail box how can I edit the spam settings for that email address? Richey
I have an email address that is support@domain.com that forwards to user1@domain.com, user2@domain.com and user3@someotherexternaldomain.com. I have the friends system turned on for the entire domain. The problem I am seeing is that some automated emails are not making it past the friends system. Since support@domain.com isn’t a real mail box how can I edit the spam settings for that email address?
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