I'm wondering if people might share their - hopefully positive - feedback with IMAP clients on Android with SM?Forget the stock Android client.I'm having a lot of problems with K-9 on Android 4.0 (Galaxy Nexus), worse than on 3.x which was also not perfect. Perhaps because I have more than one Android device syncing to my SM server on the same accounts from the same (public - obviously the NAT LAN IP address is different), since I use a (Galaxy 10.1) Tab at the same time as a cellphone - the client just stops syncing to the server after a while (minutes, hours or days), never updates. In the SM status I see as many as 8 IMAP channels listed per email account.Some of this issue may be K-9, some of it may be SM, some of it the fact that I am trying to keep more than one device current, and I'm having every difficulty in trying to isolate them all for troubleshooting, which is why I'm asking if anyone else has successfully unscrambled this Gordian not. Or gone to Maildroid or another client?
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