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Migrating to SurgeMail with SurgeMail on same server
Migrating to SurgeMail with SurgeMail on a different server
If you want to migrate to SurgeMail and put SurgeMail on the same machine as your existing server you can still use the migration method by making the old server run on different ports. The below example is for migrating pop accounts accross, but if you wish to migrate imap accounts then just need to use the imap settings instead.
Change old_pophost to old_imaphost
Change old_pophost_nodomain to old_imaphost_nodomain
You can put both imap and pop migration settings in surgemail.ini if you have both imap and pop accounts to be migrated.
Let's say you have oldserver running on ports 25 and 110
You now change old server to run on ports 1025 and 1110
Now you install SurgeMail on the same machine, at this point you setup the domains on SurgeMail so they match your existing domains.
Then you should stop SurgeMail, edit surgemail.ini in /etc on the windows directory.
Now you look for the domain section in surgemail.ini for the domain you want to migrate
vdomain address="" name="" create_user "email" create_max "3" create_reqd "pass_question,pass_answer" create_repass "TRUE" host_alias "" mailbox_path "C:\surgemail\mbox\\" quota_default "20mb" redirect was="abuse" to="" redirect was="postmaster" to="" redirect was="support" to=""
If we are migrating pop we will use the old_pophost setting
old_pophost ""
So that tells SurgeMail to check on that ip and port when a user pops, SurgeMail will then log the user into that old server and collect all their mail and add them to SurgeMail's database.
If your users didn't login as user@domain on the old server and rather just logged in as user then you need to add this setting also
old_pophost_nodomain "true"
fallback_relay "" fallback_check "true"
The first setting tells SurgeMail to send any mail for a user that doesn't exist to port 1025
The second setting tells SurgeMail to check the rcpt exists on the old server before sending it there.
That is all!, now you leave SurgeMail in this setup for maybe a month, to give your users time to migrate after that you can remove the migration settings and remove your old server completely.
So the complete vdomain block in surgemail.ini will now look like this.
vdomain address="" name=""
create_user "email" create_max "3" create_reqd "pass_question,pass_answer" create_repass "TRUE" host_alias "" mailbox_path "C:\surgemail\mbox\\" quota_default "20mb" redirect was="abuse" to="" redirect was="postmaster" to="" redirect was="support" to="" old_pophost "" old_pophost_nodomain "true" fallback_relay "" fallback_check "true"
Total: 70
Migrated: 35 this month
New: 10 this month
You can also check the users_yymm.rec in the surgemail directory to see which users
have been migrated, the file will contain entries like this.
1092718001 [migrated](test@ally) by (SERVER)
This is almost the same as the process outlined above, you should read that first then return here.
You simply change the settings to point to the old server again and change the MX records for the domain to point at SurgeMail, you also get your users logging into SurgeMail not the old machine. The one problem that comes into play if you put SurgeMail on a new machine is mail coming in to the old server for a user that has already been migrated due to MX records taking a while to change.
old server has ip
SurgeMail is installed on ip
User "test" logs into the SurgeMail server and migrates his account, but now a new message comes into for "test", as SurgeMail has already migrated the account, the next time "test" logs in SurgeMail won't check the old server for mail so "test" will lose that message.. or will they?
You have two options here:
In the event you want to use intercept migration (for account creation - reusing old password - and mail translation) and your account old naming scheme is not directly supported by surgemail, account name translation can be done just prior to surgemail's login to the old server as below. This is particularly useful in the case:
To use this, create a file "migration_translation.txt" of 'surgemail login' [space] 'oldserver login' pairs for each account on your old system. This file is only loaded at surgemail startup and is located in surgemail root directory (as specified by g_home).
eg. domain_marijn_suffix SomeWeirdUsername